Prevent hypothermia patient warming system-6100/6200

Precipitous drop in patient temperature after anesthesia induction easily leads to hypothermia.
Using warming mattress to prewarm patient before entering operating room can increase preoperative core temperature.
Perioperative temperature can be retained by:
(1) keep environment warm; (2) warming blanket; (3) warming mattress; (4) warm infusion liquid; (5) warm flushing fluid

Features of Prevent hypothermia patient warming system


1)The heating system is 24V, safe for patient and medical staff.
2)IPX7 waterproof, heating system is safe even under 1m deep of water.
3)Software, hardware and mechanical cutoff to avoidoverheat hurt.
2. Silent
1)Silent, no noise.
2)No airborn contamintation to laminar air, lower SSI risk.
3)Flexible carbon fiber heating technology, no effect on x-ray during operation. 
3. Saving
1)Low power consumption, Save on electric bill and reduce carbon footprint.
2)Effectively preventing hypothermia; It can shorten hospitalization, improve bed-ward turnaround time, and reduce hospital operating costs. 
4. Smart 
1)Intelligent temperature control technology, even heating contact layer, points temperature difference is less than 1℃. 
2)Real time monitoring heating status, alarm for abnormals, ensuring safety.
3)Ergonomic design, easy usage considering.

Technical data

Control unit Model 6100 6200
Channels Single Dual
Heating mode Automatic, manual
Control range Automatic: 33℃-39℃, in step of 0.1℃
Manual: 0%-100%, in step of 10%
Max surface temp. Not exceeding 40℃ in normal condition and not 41℃ in single fault condition
Monitoring Surface temperature, body temperature
Alarms Power failure, overtemperature, sensor failure, temperature fluctuation, system failure
Alarm log No Yes
Configuration Mattress available Warm5190, Warm5120, Warm5100 Warm5290, Warm5220, Warm5200
Blanket Warm8160, Warm8120, Warm8100 Warm8260, Warm8220, Warm8200
Body sensor W0001A


Product Details of Prevent hypothermia patient warming system

Package of Prevent hypothermia patient warming system